In our previous blog entry, we discussed how a probability distribution can be described using the first four moments which are mean, variance/standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. Mean and standard deviation were described and now we will talk about
skewness and
Skewness: The measurement of the
asymmetry of a random variable is a dimensionless quantity called skewness (b
1)^0.5, which is calculated from the second and third moments about the mean of a distribution. If (b
1)^0.5 < 0 the distribution is negatively skewed (tail to left) and if (b
1)^0.5 > 0 the distribution is positively skewed (tail to the right). The equations for calculating skewness from data are:
Distributions that are: (a) positively skewed with tail to the right (b1)^0.5 > 0, (b) centered (b1)^0.5 = 0, and (c) negatively skewed with tail to the left (b1)^0.5 < 0. Red lines are means. |
Kurtosis: A dimensionless quantity that characterizes the
peakedness of a random variable is called kurtotsis b
2, which is calculated from the fourth and second moments of the distribution about the mean. If b
2 >> 3, the distribution has a high peak and for b
2 =1.8, the distribution becomes flat. At b
2=3, the distribution is normal
(a) distribution with a high peak (b2 >> 3), (b) normal distribution (b2 = 3), (c) flat (uniform) distribution with (b2 =1.8). |
In Excel, the functions
SKEW and
KURT can be used to calculate skewness and kurtosis, respectively. Be warned -- the Excel
KURT function calculates the "Excess of Kurtosis" relative to a normal distribution. In Excel,
KURT will return 0 for a normal distribution rather than the value of 3 found in statistics textbooks. We suggest that you add 3 to any to value returned by the
KURT function when presenting data.
=KURT(A1:A10) + 3